These Rocks Shall Speak

Now the good work begins to make it happen
"Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it.” Habakuk 2:2
The Calvin Institute for Christian Worship and The Tampa Bay Presbytery have awarded St Andrew Presbyterian Church a Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grant. Since March of 2023, a blurry vision on how to re-connect the art glass present in our worship space to our worship, our spirituality and with our community began. Throughout the summer and fall the “Stained Glass Project Group” began with curious individuals caught up in a blurry vision. During the next months the vision became clearer, and we began to imagine, dream, and put together a group of activities that would help reach our goals. We expect the congregation to give new value and appreciation for The Collection once they look and see. We expect our congregation see and listen to what God may be us in the art. The project provides many opportunities to engage each panel and discover the history, the art, the biblical texts related to the icon, commentary, and of self-reflective questions to sharpen our spiritual ears. We expect to become sensitive to listening to God’s voice. We expect the congregation to see and share the gifts of God in this Collection, listen to God’s voice and feel enthusiastic about sharing with others. These goals may be facilitated through the following activities during 2024.
Full color/24-page publication describing and engaging The Collection
A brief video introducing our congregation and The Collection
A summer sermon series engaging The Collection
Guided walking/interactive tours of The Collection
Four Faith and Art Workshops with experts on Spiritual Visual Arts
Three Arts and Craft Sundays
Two excursions to visit other glass art collections
Bible Studies engaging The Collection
The Session has put together a Task Force that will lead this project during 2024. Pray for this project and the siblings implementing the vision. Stay tuned and look for the many enriching opportunities to participate in the variety of activities and programs of “These Rocks Shall Speak." You’ll hear them. “My sheep know my voice.”